So, on a daily basis, we get to hear things about peoples “rights,” some of which reside nowhere in the Constitution, how this person is that label or these people hate this group. But that’s a conversation for another day. I just find it grossly hypocritical for liberals to claim that Conservatives want to limit this right or that right based on no factual information what so ever. However, if somebody from the Right calls a Dem out for doing the same thing, then they are just playing politics… really? Look in the mirror and take your freakin’ medicine! Look at the current swirl of stories and polls involving Obama vs. the Catholic Church. Libs defend the point that women’s’ health is an important issue and they have the “right to choose.” Now don’t get me wrong, I am all about women getting to be healthy, but the right to choose (which does not reside in the afore-mentioned Constitution) cannot trump the actual 1st Amendment, which lays the groundwork for freedom of religion. I have a hard time wrapping my head around somebody’s right trumping somebody else’s right. And why is it only a Libs rights that are assumed defendable? If women have the right to choose, then why doesn’t the Church also have a right to choose, but in the aspect of what medical expenses they are willing to insure? How is it acceptable for somebody to put a crucifix in a jar, pee on it and call it art, but it’s not acceptable for the Prophet Mohammed to be parodied? Why is the Christian expected to shut up, but the Muslim retaliation of car bombing is par for the course? Why is it when I say I am Conservative, I automatically hate gays and women? But show me where any women’s rights organizations have protested Islam’s sharia law, where women are completely subservient to men, including the point where a woman has to have four male witnesses to support an allegation of rape. If those witnesses cannot be produced, the woman is found to be an adulteress and stoned to death, but I hate women because, why? Don’t forget, gays are also put to death under the same theocracy. And lastly, why are white men the only people capable of racism? Why is it acceptable for the New Black Panther Party to stand outside a polling place intimidating white voters with night sticks and forcing said voters to leave before they cast their ballots not a voting rights and hate crime? The answer to that is because our African-American Attorney General said those laws are only for blacks and that whites will never be victims, but that isn’t racist. How does being Conservative equate to Nazi or the KKK? For those not aware, Lincoln and MLK were GOP, while the KKK, 3rd Reich, and Jim Crow (laws) all stemmed from socialists/democrats… but I’m the bad guy? Ready for a big secret… Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger (a progressive), who initially called it the Negro Project. She wanted to place “family planning” services in poor and black neighborhoods to “eliminate the human weeds.” So, unless you’re willing to wear a label yourself, please, stop applying them to me. Your game of projection (calling me what you are) will no longer work, I shall not sit in silence and be considered the perpetrator of awful acts, attitudes, or beliefs just because…